Field Day 2024
June 22 – June 23
LRRA! Field Day 2024 has concluded and was a success. Due to heavy weather inbound, a judicial decision to break down early permitted participants to pack up and depart under safe conditions. Many thanks to all who gave of their time, expertise, and labor to build and operate a radio site that showcased amateur radio in general and the LRRA in particular.
Bob Ness/ KB1DLX
Executive Committee Member
Planning Committee Information

Additional Details
Operations: The field day committee has arranged to provide all radios and antennas. Equipment will be available for your own use on a shared bases. It is best to sign up for a time slot ahead of time. For sign up contact us here.
Rest Room: Flush restrooms are available by a short walk. The closest is in the former horse barn and another pair are located next to the on-site ice cream building.
Parking: A co-located Art Fair at the same facility will have an estimated 600 to 800 attendees. LRRA participants and guests may park in the gravel lots and fields adjacent to the horse barn
Food: The Association will have hot dogs, soda, water, coffee. Additional meals will be potluck, take out and provide your own. Sign up for potluck contributions here.
Field Day Planning Committee
Chair Person and Lead Organizer: Rich Kumpf, W1FV, President Bob Nelson, N1EUN
These are the 5 LRRA station managers who are responsible for the set-up:
Station 1: HF CW Flex 6700 with Maestro in the communications trailer K!DLM
Station 2: HS SSB IC-7100 in a class A RV WA1WAK
Station 3: HF SSB FLEX 6700 with Maestro in the communications trailer KK1RZ
Station 4: HF-FT-8 ICOM IC7300 in the class A RV W1CBD
Station 5: VHF and UHF Yaesu FT736 in a tent NC1Z
GOTA Station (also known as get on the air) FT-710 GO-KIT in a mini- rack KC1SJP
Safety Officer: KB1COL
IT/logging network design: K1PEG
Antenna/triplexer/bandpass filter to minimize on-site RFI: K1DLM
Rublic recruiting and info booth at the nearby art show: W1ENH & K1RBC
Radio operator sign-up sheet: K1DLM via on-line links
Food sign ups and meal schedules for Saturday and Sunday potluck coordination: K1PEG via on-line sign up
ARRL rules guru: K1PEG
Documentation of committee plans and public access to same: KK1RZ
VISIO drawing of the 5 stations with filters and triplexers: WF1V and K1DLM

June 22-23, 2024
Submitted by Planning Team Leader: Rich-WF1V
ARRL Field Day contest results were compiled by Peg-K1PEG.
The club used N3FJP reporting software which was generously donated to the club by Rick-KK1RZ.
Reporting Callsigns and Exchange:
Callsign Used: W1BST GOTA Station Callsign Used: WX1NE Contest Exchange Used: ARRL/RAC Section: NH Class: 4A
Bands & Modes Summary:
Many Bands & Modes were used. Here is the summary.
States: NY, TX, PA, FL, NH, IL, OH, TN, MA, NJ, NC, SC, MI, GA CA, IN, AL, MD, CO, IA, KY,
Provinces: ON, QC, AB, NS, PE
Countries: USA, Canada, Brazil, Puerto Rico
Continents: North America, South America
Contest Reporting Entity:
# of Participants: 14
Power Source(s): Generator, Batteries. Power Multiplier: 2X
QSO Scoring Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: W1BST2024.dup)
CW Digital Phone Total
Total QSOs 46 102 157
Total Points 92 204 157 453
Claimed Score = (QSO points x power multiplier) = 906 Points
Bonus Points
Extra Points are rewarded for the site operations.
100% emergency power 400
Public location 100
Public information table 100
Educational activity 100
Youth participation 60 (3 x 20, max of 100)
Safety officer 100 (Documented by FD_Planning.PNG)
Social media 100
GOTA Station 170
Entry submitted via web 50
Total Bonus Points 1,180 Points
Preliminary Total Score: 2,086 Points (=906 + 1180)
2023 LRRA Field Day

Wrap-up for Field Day 2020
Thanks to the hard work of Jane/W2REX and Frank/W1WU, and their team of volunteers, Field Day 2020 was a resounding success. Rather than canceling Field day entirely as most clubs nationwide did this year, they found a way to organize a fun and safe event on behalf of the association. Well done !!
Over the weekend of 27/28th, and despite the ongoing Covid-19 situation, over 25 LRRA members, guests, and the general public made their way to Constitution Park in Ossipee. They had two radios on the air, had one new LRRA member sign-up, and received $91 in donations to the association.
Frank and Jane would like to thank the following for their support with logistics and operations:
Town of Ossipee for use of park and facilities
Hannafords for food donation
Lee/K1VZI for banners
Don/W1DND, Sandy/W1SND, Bob/KB1DLX, Cal/WA1WOK, Jim/N1HAZ, Sharie/K1TW, Mike/W1MWB, Bob/W1GWU, Jim/N1XBD, Dave/N1FCC, Kathy/KD2CQE and John, Lynn C, Bob/N1EUN, Art/KAKB1D1PJT (Via Echolink), Rich/K1RBC (advertising), Jeff /N1XGU, Erin/N1YGH, Gene/KB2KKT, Steve/K1TWC, Dave/KB1HUU and John/KC1LHD.
Here are a few pictures from the event. To see more, go to the website gallery at:
Wrap-Up for FD 2021
The association’s Field Day event was held at the New Durham Ball Fields in New Durham, NH on June 26-27.
Here are few pictures from the event. You can find more on the W1BST Website: or on our Facebook group:
Our Field Day 2021 was fun! We had 33 people in attendance. And our donation jar collected $149.25.
Thanks to the following for helping at Field Day.
Nikki McCarter
Lisa Tibbetts
Bob Nelson N1EUN
Jayson McCarter KB1RFS
Lee Herterich K1VZI
Brian Lewis K0BCL
Frank Hammond W1WU
Jane Greer w2REX
Cal Calvitto WA1WOK
Dave Taylor N1FCC
Bill Day AA1WD
Jonathan Wixon KB1COL
Rich Comer K1RBC
Jim Craver N1XBD
Tom McNulty KB1YDZ
Jim Bray K8TOW
John Gotthardt K1UAF
Peter Daniels WA2QYD
Dave Barker N1EDU
Maureen Dihmar KC1LWZ
Neil Tolman K1NBT
Bob Ness KB1DLX
Thanks to Hannaford for their food donation. And a big thank you to Jayson and Nikki McCarter for food prep and cooking!
And another big thanks to Jonathan Wixon for organizing our Field Day 2021 event!
The New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission invited the LRRA to use the New Durham Ball Fields (located on Smitty’s Way, New Durham , NH) for the 2021 Field day event. The club thanks them for their support.
Field Day is open to the public and this years event featured CW & Phone ops, VHF talk-in, and a Get-on-the Air (GOTA) station for non-hams and Technician Class Hams to try out HF.
Lakes Region Repeater Association
Annual Ham Radio Field Day
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire