The repeaters are located on Bennett Hill in Ossipee, NH, Mt Rowe in Gilford, and New Durham Ridge.
Bennett Hill Site in Ossipee

The Bennett Hill site currently houses 3 amateur radio repeaters on 2 meters, 6 meters and 70 cm. Please see the LRRA Repeater List tab for details on each system.
A 12K propane generator automatically provides emergency power for all of our ham radio repeaters for up to about 5 days. Before our battery back up is utilized.
The ground elevation is 1250 feet and the height above average terrain (HAAT) is 642.
The site is owned and managed by Crown Castle.
The tower is a 140′ mono pole with 1/2 and 7/8 hard-line.

Note: These pictures are from the initial installation. The tower rack for the LRRA antennas has been lowered and is now located 115′ above the ground, as commercial interests later took the top-most position.

Drone Video From Upgrade in March 2021
Extending the Reach of Primary VHF Repeater
The tech committee has completed their project to extend the reach of the Association’s primary VHF repeater (147.03) to well beyond the Lakes Region.
The 250 Watt Amp and new duplexer have been configured and are working better than expected, resulting in routine comms as far away as Nashua.
Mt Rowe Site in Gilford
There is currently one analog UHF (440 MHz) system that is cross-connected to the 147.030 system via separate link radios. This repeater is located on Mt Rowe at 444.700, +5 MHz, PL123 Hz.
New Durham Ridge Site
Our current installation at New Durham Ridge is currently stand-alone but will soon be upgraded to include a Motorola DR-2X repeater, controller and link radio back to the 2 m repeater on Bennett Hill. Here are some current pics (September 2023) from the New Durham installation. (Click to see a larger view).
There is also a 220 MHz repeater co-located at the New Durham Ridge site maintained and operated by Frank/W1WU and is open to all. It operations on 224.020, -1.6 MHz, PL 103.5 Hz.