W1BST 444.750

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W1BST 444.750

w1bst 444.750 mhz rf coverage map
w1bst 444.750 mhz rf coverage map

W1bst 444.750 is a repeater located on New Duran Ridge  in New Duran, NH

W1BST 444.750 (+5000 khz I pl123) 70 cm band

Location: New Duram Ridge, elevation aprox. 1175′

Repeater: Motorola 1225 watts

Duplexers: Mobile Cell Wave

Antenna: Diamond X30 duel band with diplexer in line. Located aprox. 20′ off ground.

Link: Link to 147.0300 repeater on Bennett Hill.

What is a Diamond X30 Duel Band Antenna? It is a  fixed station vertical antenna that operates on 2m/70cm frequency bands. The frequency band are 145/433MHz. It has a gain of 3/5.5dB and a max power handling of 150W.  Its length is 1.3m. The construction of the Diamond X30 is made of fiber glass material.  It is pre-tuned and fully weatherproof.

Special Features:
Fiberglass radomes
Stainless steel hardware
Wide band performance
Factory adjusted – no tuning required
High wind rating
DC grounded
Band: 2m/70cm
Gain (dB): 3.0/5.5
Max Power Rating: 150
Wind Rating: 135 MPH (no ice)
Height (feet): 4.5
Connector: UHF
Element Phasing: 1-1/2l, 2-5/8l
Remarks: Works well in areas where height and/or antenna restrictions are an issue.

Improving your antenna is the most economical way to improve the performance of your station. Less than a hundred dollars spent on an improved antenna system will almost always provide better results than thousands spent on an amplifier unless you already have a top quality antenna system (100′ tower with a large highly directional antenna).

A good antenna system will allow you to work almost any station  you can hear.

A good antenna is one that radiates all or most of the energy that is fed to it on a given frequency. This means, it resonates on the frequency in use. The most common antenna in use is the half wave dipole. A properly designed half wave dipole for a given frequency is considered a good antenna. However, if one wants a better performance, an antenna with a ‘gain’ over the dipole needs to be used. For example, using 100 watts output power fed to a half wave dipole is roughly the same as using 10 watts fed to a 3-element yagi antenna.

Antenna gain indicates how strong a signal an antenna can send or receive in a specified direction; it is calculated by comparing the measured power transmitted or received by the antenna in a specific direction to the power transmitted or received by a hypothetical ideal antenna in the same situation, usually a half wave dipole. There are a variety of antennas that offer a gain over the half wave dipole.

First in the nation with a courtesy tone.